package main import ( "fmt" "io" "os" "" "" "" "" log "" ) var logPackage = log.WithField("package", "main") type arguments struct { ConfigPath string `short:"c" long:"config" default:"./config.toml" description:"Set the path to the configuration file." env:"GMON_CONFIG_PATH"` RulePath string `short:"r" long:"rules" default:"./rules.toml" description:"Set the path to the file with the rules." env:"GMON_RULE_PATH"` Verbose bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Set the logging output level to trace."` Quiet bool `short:"q" long:"quiet" description:"Set the logging output level to error."` JSON bool `long:"json" description:"Set the logging format to json."` } func parseArgs() arguments { var args = arguments{} _, err := flags.Parse(&args) if err != nil { os.Exit(1) } return args } func initLogging(args arguments) { log.SetFormatter(&log.TextFormatter{ FullTimestamp: true, }) if args.Verbose { log.SetLevel(log.TraceLevel) } if args.Quiet { log.SetLevel(log.ErrorLevel) } if args.JSON { log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{}) } } func main() { args := parseArgs() initLogging(args) configs, err := loadConfigFiles(args) if err != nil { logPackage.Fatalln(err) } statsClient := stats.NewSimpleClient(configs.Config.Stats.Token, configs.Config.Stats.Endpoint, configs.Config.Stats.Hostname) gotifyClient := alert.NewGotifyClient(configs.Config.Gotify.Token, configs.Config.Gotify.Endpoint) monitoring := NewMonitoring(statsClient, gotifyClient, configs.Rules, configs.Config.Interval) logPackage.Infof("Start monitoring: %s", configs.Config.Stats.Hostname) err = monitoring.Monitor() if err != nil { logPackage.Fatalln(err) } } func loadFile(path string) (io.Reader, error) { f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } return f, nil } type configs struct { Config config.Config Rules config.Rules } func loadConfigFiles(args arguments) (configs, error) { logPackage.Infoln("Start loading the config file.") configReader, err := loadFile(args.ConfigPath) if err != nil { return configs{}, err } configuration, err := config.NewTomlConfigLoader(configReader).Load() if err != nil { return configs{}, fmt.Errorf("Parsing the toml file '%s' produced an error: %w", args.ConfigPath, err) } logPackage.Infoln("Finished loading the config file.") logPackage.Infoln("Start loading the rule file.") rulesReader, err := loadFile(args.RulePath) if err != nil { return configs{}, err } rules, err := config.NewTOMLRulesLoader(rulesReader).Load() if err != nil { return configs{}, fmt.Errorf("Parsing the toml file '%s' produced an error: %w", args.ConfigPath, err) } logPackage.Infoln("Finished loading the rule file.") return configs{Config: configuration, Rules: rules}, nil }