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2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
package db_test
import (
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
func TestGetHosts(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("should return all 2 hosts", func(t *testing.T) {
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
storage["foo"] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: "foo"}}
storage["bar"] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: "bar"}}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
got, err := memDB.GetHosts(db.Pagination{0, 2})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
want := []db.HostInfo{{Hostname: "foo"}, {Hostname: "bar"}}
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, want, got)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
t.Run("should not find hosts on empty db", func(t *testing.T) {
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB()
_, gotErr := memDB.GetHosts(db.Pagination{Skip: 0, Limit: 0})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
want := db.ErrHostsNotFound.Error()
require.EqualError(t, gotErr, want)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
t.Run("should return error if all entries are beeing skiped", func(t *testing.T) {
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
storage["foo"] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: "foo"}}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
_, gotErr := memDB.GetHosts(db.Pagination{Skip: 2, Limit: 0})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
want := db.ErrAllEntriesSkipped.Error()
require.EqualError(t, gotErr, want)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
t.Run("should return all entries left from skiping if limit is to high", func(t *testing.T) {
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
storage["foo"] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: "foo"}}
storage["bar"] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: "bar"}}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
got, err := memDB.GetHosts(db.Pagination{Skip: 0, Limit: 3})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
want := 2
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, want, len(got))
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
func TestGetHost(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("should return all hosts", func(t *testing.T) {
hostname := "foo"
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
storage[hostname] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: hostname}}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
got, err := memDB.GetHost(hostname)
want := db.HostInfo{Hostname: hostname}
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, want, got)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
t.Run("should not find host on empty db", func(t *testing.T) {
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB()
_, gotErr := memDB.GetHost("")
want := db.ErrHostNotFound.Error()
require.EqualError(t, gotErr, want)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
func TestGetStatsByHostname(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("should return error if no host matching the name was found", func(t *testing.T) {
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
_, gotErr := memDB.GetStatsByHostname("foo", db.Pagination{Skip: 0, Limit: 0})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
want := db.ErrHostNotFound.Error()
require.EqualError(t, gotErr, want)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
t.Run("should return error if all entries are beeing skiped", func(t *testing.T) {
hostname := "foo"
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
storage[hostname] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: hostname}}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
_, gotErr := memDB.GetStatsByHostname(hostname, db.Pagination{Skip: 2, Limit: 0})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
want := db.ErrAllEntriesSkipped.Error()
require.EqualError(t, gotErr, want)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
t.Run("should return all entries left from skiping if limit is to high", func(t *testing.T) {
hostname := "foo"
stats := []db.Stats{{Hostname: hostname}, {Hostname: hostname}}
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
storage[hostname] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: hostname}, Stats: stats}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
got, err := memDB.GetStatsByHostname(hostname, db.Pagination{Skip: 0, Limit: 3})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
want := 2
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, want, len(got))
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
t.Run("should return all entries respecting skip and limit", func(t *testing.T) {
hostname := "foo"
stats := []db.Stats{{Hostname: hostname}, {Hostname: "target"}}
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
storage[hostname] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: hostname}, Stats: stats}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
got, err := memDB.GetStatsByHostname(hostname, db.Pagination{Skip: 1, Limit: 1})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
want := stats[1:]
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, want, got)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
func TestInsertStats_UpdateHostInfos(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("should add new host in storage if not existing", func(t *testing.T) {
hostname := "foo"
stats := db.Stats{Hostname: hostname}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB()
_, err := memDB.GetHost(hostname)
require.Error(t, err, "It should not find the host")
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
err = memDB.InsertStats(hostname, stats)
require.NoError(t, err)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
got, err := memDB.GetHost(hostname)
want := 1
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, want, got.DataPoints)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
t.Run("should increment stats count and update time", func(t *testing.T) {
hostname := "foo"
stats := db.Stats{Hostname: hostname}
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
storage[hostname] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: hostname}, Stats: []db.Stats{stats}}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
oldHost, err := memDB.GetHost(hostname)
require.NoError(t, err)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
err = memDB.InsertStats(hostname, stats)
require.NoError(t, err)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
newHost, err := memDB.GetHost(hostname)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Greater(t, newHost.DataPoints, oldHost.DataPoints)
require.Greater(t, time.Now().Nanosecond(), oldHost.LastInsert.Nanosecond())
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
func TestInsertStats_AddStatsToHost(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("should add the stats to a new host", func(t *testing.T) {
hostname := "foo"
stats := db.Stats{Hostname: hostname}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB()
_, err := memDB.GetHost(hostname)
require.Error(t, err, "It should not find the host")
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
err = memDB.InsertStats(hostname, stats)
require.NoError(t, err)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
got, err := memDB.GetStatsByHostname(hostname, db.Pagination{Skip: 0, Limit: 1})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, stats, got[0])
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
t.Run("should increment stats count and update time", func(t *testing.T) {
hostname := "foo"
stats := db.Stats{Hostname: hostname}
storage := make(map[string]db.Host)
storage[hostname] = db.Host{HostInfo: db.HostInfo{Hostname: hostname}, Stats: []db.Stats{stats}}
memDB := db.NewInMemoryDB().WithCustomStorage(storage)
oldHost, err := memDB.GetStatsByHostname(hostname, db.Pagination{Skip: 0, Limit: 1})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(oldHost))
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
err = memDB.InsertStats(hostname, stats)
require.NoError(t, err)
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
newHost, err := memDB.GetStatsByHostname(hostname, db.Pagination{Skip: 0, Limit: 2})
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(newHost))
2020-10-13 21:36:50 +02:00