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Analyse data from gsave and send a notification to Gotify.


There are tow necessary configuration files for this service to work.

  • config.toml
  • rules.toml

It will look for this files inside the current directory. To specify another path use the --config and --rules arguments with the path and the file name.


Example configuration:

# The interval in which it should check for new data.
interval = 1

# Configuration for the gsave endpoint.
endpoint = "http://localhost:8080"
hostname = "foobar" # The hostname of the host you want to monitor.
token = "foo"

# Configuration for the gotify notification endpoint.
endpoint = "http://localhost:80"
token = "AzCkehMSkHFlphf"


Example configuration:

Name = "Unexpected CPU usage"
Description = "More than 50% of CPU utilization"
Compare = ">"
Warning = 50.0
Alert = 100.0
Deactivated = false

Name = "Unexpected disk usage"
Description = "More than 50 GB of the disk are used"
Compare = ">"
Warning = 50000
Alert = 70000
Deactivated = true

Name = "Unexpected RAM usage"
Description = "More than 5 GB of the RAM are in use"
Compare = ">"
Warning = 5000
Alert = 7000
Deactivated = false